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Legend (WMS/DEF_WebPlanning_Apps)

Watermark (0)
Planning Applications (1)
Enforcements (2)
Appeals (3)
Application Response (4)
Legal Agreements (5)
Road Agreements (6)
Site Monitoring (7)
OxonAddresses (8)
Listed Buildings Oxon (9)
Listed Buildings Historical England (10)
Notable and LPS Species (11)
Notable and LPS Species Data (12)
National Trails (13)
District (15)
Divisions (16)
Localities (17)
MPAreas (18)
Oxon District Boundaries All (19)
Oxon Cherwell Boundary (20)
Oxon City Boundary (21)
Oxon South Boundary (22)
Oxon Vale Boundary (23)
Oxon West Boundary (24)
Parishes (25)
Oxon Wards (26)
Oxfordshire Boundary (27)
EA Admin Boundaries Water Companies (29)
EA Admin Boundaries Water Management Companies (30)
EA Flood Map nat defences (31)
EA Flood Alert Areas (32)
EA Flood Map nat areasbenefit (33)
EA Flood Map nat floodzone2 (34)
EA Flood Map nat floodzone3 (35)
EA Flood Warning Areas 10k (36)
EA Ground Water Vulnerability 100k (37)
EA Ground Water Vulnerability Drift 100k (38)
EA Areas Susceptible to Ground Water Flooding (39)
EA Historic Flood Map (40)
EA Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea (41)
EA uFMfSW EXTENT 1000 (43)
EA uFMfSW EXTENT 100 (44)
EA uFMfSW EXTENT 30 (45)
Local Nature Reserves Points (47)
Local Nature Reserves (48)
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (49)
Sites of Special Scientific Interest Condition Units (50)
National Nature Reserve (51)
Conservation Areas (52)
Electricity Pylons (54)
Electricity Lines (55)
Electricity Line Buffer (56)
SubStation Site Region (57)
Substations Buffer (58)
Cables (59)
Cables Buffer (60)
Gas Sites (61)
Gas Pipes (62)
Gas Pipe Buffer (63)
Schools (64)
Academy alternative provision converter Academy alternative provision converter
Academy special converter Academy special converter
Academy special sponsor led Academy special sponsor led
All-through All-through
Community special school Community special school
Foundation special school Foundation special school
Nursery Nursery
Primary Primary
Primary (has nursery classes) Primary (has nursery classes)
Primary (no nursery classes) Primary (no nursery classes)
Secondary (does not have a sixth form) Secondary (does not have a sixth form)
Secondary (has a sixth form) Secondary (has a sixth form)
School Plan Areas (65)
Abingdon East Abingdon East
Abingdon North East Abingdon North East
Abingdon North West Abingdon North West
Abingdon South Abingdon South
Banbury Banbury
Bicester North Town Bicester North Town
Bicester North Villages Bicester North Villages
Bicester South East Bicester South East
Bicester West Bicester West
Bloxham Bloxham
Burford North Burford North
Burford South Burford South
Carterton Carterton
Chipping Norton Chipping Norton
Cumnor Cumnor
Didcot Didcot
Eynsham Eynsham
Faringdon Faringdon
Henley Henley
Kidlington Kidlington
Oxford Central Oxford Central
Oxford North East Oxford North East
Oxford North West Oxford North West
Oxford South Oxford South
Sonning Common Sonning Common
Thame Thame
Wallingford Wallingford
Wantage Wantage
Watlington Watlington
Wheatley Wheatley
Witney North East Witney North East
Witney South West Witney South West
Woodcote Woodcote
Woodstock Woodstock
Water Courses (66)
canal canal
foreshore foreshore
inlandRiver inlandRiver
lake lake
lockOrFlightOfLocks lockOrFlightOfLocks
marsh marsh
reservoir reservoir
tidalRiver tidalRiver
transfer transfer
Catchment Area Primary Schools (67)
Catchment Area Secondary Schools (68)
Battlefields (69)
GreenBelt (70)
Common Land (71)
Parks and Gardens (72)
MoD Land (73)
Ancient Woodland (74)
National Parks (75)
National Trust Land (76)
AONBS (77)
Agricultural Land (78)
Chalk Downland and Slopes (79)
Chalk Grassland Character Areas (80)
Chalk Grassland Target Areas (81)
CTA Info Zones (82)
CTA Key Link Zones (83)
CTA Other Sites (84)
CTA Oxon (85)
District Wildlife Sites (86)
County Wildlife Sites (87)
Landscape Types (88)
Scheduled Monuments (89)
Special Areas of Conservation (90)
RSPB Reserves England (91)
ONR Sites (93)
Out Line Planning Zones (94)
Outer Consultation Zones (95)
High Pressure Pipe (97)
SGN HP Pipe 1Km buffer (98)
Intermediate Pressure Pipe (99)
SGN IP Pipe 50m buffer (100)
Medium Pressure Pipe (101)
SGN MP Pipe 25m buffer (102)
Low Pressure Pipe (103)
SGN LP Pipe 5m buffer (104)
HSE H GIS Records (106)
Inner Inner
Interim Interim
Middle Middle
Outer Outer
HSE E CZ Records (107)
All applications involving a refuse tip, a reservoir, a sewage disposal works, a nature reserve or a bird sanctuary (109)
Overhead power lines (110)
Metallic type materials (111)
Developments that involve flying activities (112)
Building (113)
Glass Construction (114)
Any development or change of use of land (115)
Any building, structure or works exceeding 10.7m (116)
Any building, structure or works exceeding 15.2m (117)
Any building, structure or works exceeding 45.7m (118)
Any building, structure or works exceeding 91.4m (119)
All applications involving a refuse tip, a reservoir, a sewage disposal works, a nature reserve or a bird sanctuary (BN) (121)
Overhead power lines (BN) (122)
Metallic type materials (BN) (123)
Developments that involve flying activities (BN) (124)
Building (BN) (125)
Glass Construction (BN) (126)
Any development or change of use of land (BN) (127)
Any building, structure or works exceeding 10.7m (BN) (128)
Any building, structure or works exceeding 15.2m (BN) (129)
Any building, structure or works exceeding 45.7m (BN) (130)
Any building, structure or works exceeding 91.4m (BN) (131)
Phase1 Route Centre Line (133)
Phase1 Biodiversity PreConstruction Line (134)
Phase1 Biodiversity PreConstruction Polygon (135)
Phase1 Biodiversity PostConstruction Line (136)
Phase1 Biodiversity PostConstruction Polygon (137)
Phase1 Extended Homeowner Protection Zones (138)
Phase1 Safeguarding Zones (139)
Phase1 Zoned Property Schemes (140)