| <all other values> |
| Alluvial Lowland |
| Chalk Downlands and Slopes |
| Clay Vale |
| Estate Farmlands |
| Farmland Hills |
| Farmland Plateau |
| Farmland Slopes and Valley Sides |
| Lowland Village Farmlands |
| Pasture Hills |
| River Meadowlands |
| Rolling Clayland |
| Rolling Farmland |
| Rolling Village Pastures |
| Settled Ancient Pastures |
| Terrace Farmland |
| Upstanding Village Farmlands |
| Urban Areas |
| Vale Farmland |
| Wooded Downlands |
| Wooded Estate Slopes and Valley Sides |
| Wooded Estatelands |
| Wooded Farmland |
| Wooded Hills |
| Wooded Pasture Valleys and Slopes |
| Wooded Plateau |